The objective of the Development Partnership was to mobilise local stakeholders to create jobs for the unemployed, assessing specific local needs and highlighting the development potential of the intervention areas.
The main objectives of the Partnership were:
- The implementation of a matrix of actions, which cover the different needs of the beneficiaries in a complementary way, providing them with integrated support in combination with local development.
- Addressing problems related to the local economy and employment.
- The development of cooperation and networking relationships with entities outside the "Thriasia" Development Partnership that are active in the area of the Thriasian Field.
Specifically, the employment of 78 unemployed women, graduates of higher education from the Municipalities of Elefsina, Megara and Aspropyrgos was successfully completed. These women had the opportunity to acquire the appropriate skills through a matrix of complementary actions such as counselling, training, networking, labour market matching services and training in order to develop individual and collective entrepreneurial activity and eventually to be absorbed in the appropriate jobs.
Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Aspropyrgos,
N.P.D.D. Culture, Sports, Social Policy & Pre-school Education of the Municipality of Elefsina,
N.P.D.D. Culture, Sports, Social Policy & Pre-school Education of the Municipality of Elefsina,
Association of Scientists of Megara
AKMON Educational Organization S.A.
SOΛ S.A. - Associated Certified Public Accountants
The Development Partnership "Thriasia" was implemented under the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development 2007-2013" which was co-financed by the European Social Fund, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare with the Interim Managing Authority of the Region of Attica.