Against Exclusion was a training partnership for the fight against social exclusion through art and culture that lasted from October 2012 to October 2014.Six European non-governmental, non-profit organizations were responsible for the implementation of the project, of which Athena-Social Care (now "Thalpos-Mental Health") represented Greece.
Greece - Athens - Social Care
Italy - TheaterPädagogikZentrum
Germany - TheaterPädagogikZentrum
Romania - The County Employers' Association of SME Business Women
Poland - Poleski Ośrodek Sztuki Łódź
Austria - Lothar Tschapka Training & Coaching
63 methodological tasks were applied using various art forms such as theatre, painting, cinema, photography, painting, music, dance and crafts. 12 trips were made to implement Against Exclusion, and many meetings and working groups were held online. The voluntary participation of individuals and groups was essential for the completion of the project and in particular 270 volunteers were involved.
Against Exclusion was funded by the European Grundtvig Programme, part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, which aims to strengthen the European dimension in adult education. In addition, the source of funding was the Managing Authority of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). In total, 16.000 Euros were used.